
Democracia en Red


DeR is an NGO founded in 2014 to articulate a political project from civil society. DeR was born from a diagnosis about the status quo and because we fed up with diagnoses and diagnosticians.

We were born to build practice, technique and poetry to imagine and implement innovations of the political system, to open up decision processes, to redistribute power. Our vision of success is reflected in a greater number of citizens, of diverse socio-economic profiles, incorporating to participative processes that have impact in terms of public policies.



Through extensive implementations in the public highway, the #ModoBici campaign seeks to promote the use of bicycles and raise awareness about sustainable mobility. With different hands on activities, people are informed about the environmental impacts of automobile traffic and how they can be reversed by greater use of bicycles. The goal of the campaign is to inform participants of the convenience of biking rather than driving as well as the social and environmental benefits their personal actions can create.


We’re part of ESI (Sexual Education), a campaign that seeks to raise awareness about sexually transmitted infections and prevention methods. In addition to this, we work to speak out against gender inequality in the workplace and how these issues particularly impact youth.

The perspective of gender unites these approaches and attempts to simplify and raise awareness about these problems. We believe and understand how sexual education must incorporate biological, psychological, social, effective and ethical aspects. Our purpose is to acknowledge each of these parts. We can say we’re in ESI.



AV. Cordoba 4918, CABA    ARGENTINA
+54 9 11 6214-8572